Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Surgery #2 - The second Condylotomy

I found some pictures from my second surgery back in 2008.  This surgery was done in Santa Clara and was the second conylotomy.  The first being done in 2007.  The condylotomy procedure involved making two incisions on the inside of the mouth.  Through this incision a bone saw was used to break the jaw bones and then the mouth is wired shut for 6 six weeks.  During these six weeks you are on a liquid diet.  Which, I have to say is the worst form of torture, ever.  Thinking about doing this again is hard.  Everything you eat is pureed and liquified so that you can suck it up through a straw the size of a coffee stirring straw.  Anyway, this surgery had complications. A nerve was punctured in the face and I was told to give it a year to regain feeling.  After that year, still no feeling. The right side of my chin, the corresponding part inside the mouth, gums, teeth, etc and part of the right cheek still have no feeling and most likely ever will.  Please be advised these pictures are not pretty and were taken days after the surgery when the swelling started.

Don't you just love the baseball looking lump?

The full facial view

I don't need to say how painful this was.

Misery at it's finest.

As this current surgery will have greater risk of nerve damage and facial paralysis, I pray these pictures are the worst I will look.  No matter the outcome of the replacement, I have a team of peeps (my mom, dad and husband) who are under strict orders to take as many pics of the post-op recovery so that I can share my recovery with all of you. Don't you all feel so lucky?

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